Ecuador - You Now Have NingXia Red Available!!
Canadians Can Save 10% Off Their Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit

Canada - Now Is The Time To Enroll In Young Living

Canada - Check This Out!!!

If you are not enrolled yet, please head over to to take advantage of this savings starting Monday!

10% off the Canadian PSKs from July 27-August 14th for new and existing members! Join the Eddie Silcock Throwback challenge & win some great prizes.

August 20th is Canada Blitz Day and the new PSK's will be launched August 17th. We are adding a Ningxia Red PSK.

Watch the video to learn more.

This is a super exciting time for YL Canada. Go out and make it count! Get enrolled NOW and start participating in this challenge and enroll others. You will receive a referral website that looks like but will have your ID and info on it.

Here are the details:

•The 3 Week Throwback Challenge official start date is July 27th.  We wanted to provide the details to everyone with a little advance notice to get ready to compete for the next three weeks.

•With the 10% discount on the starter kit pricing, PV will also be discounted.

◦Premium Starter Kit:  90 PV

◦Everyday Oils Starter Kit:  90 PV

◦Basic Plus Starter Kit:  0 PV

•$20 enrollment vouchers can be used in addition to the 10% starter kit discount for new enrollments.

•Any development credits processed during the three week promotional period will be processed with the 10% discount.

•All three starter kits can be purchased by all current and new Canada members with a limit of one per account per month. 

◦Example:  If a member has already purchased a Premium Starter Kit during the month of July, but has not purchased an Everyday Oils or Basic Plus, they would need to wait until August to purchase another Premium Starter Kit.  However, they would be able to purchase an Everyday Oils and Basic Plus kit during July. 

•Existing Members can purchase starter kits through Essential Rewards during the promotional period.

Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137
